2013年2月13日 星期三

ubuntu上與biomed informatics有關的套件

blast2 - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
libbio-asn1-entrezgene-perl - parser for NCBI Entrez Gene and NCBI Sequence records
libncbi6 - NCBI libraries for biology applications
libncbi6-dbg - NCBI libraries for biology applications (debugging symbols)
libncbi6-dev - NCBI libraries for biology applications (development files)
librg-blast-parser-perl - very fast NCBI BLAST parser - binding for Perl
librostlab-blast-doc - very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
librostlab-blast0 - very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
librostlab-blast0-dev - very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
libvibrant6-dev - NCBI libraries for graphic biology applications (development files)
libvibrant6a - NCBI libraries for graphic biology applications
libvibrant6a-dbg - NCBI libraries for graphic biology applications (unstripped)
libzerg-perl - fast perl module for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
libzerg0 - C library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
libzerg0-dbg - debugging symbols for libzerg
libzerg0-dev - C library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs
ncbi-blast+ - next generation suite of BLAST sequence search tools
ncbi-blast+-legacy - NCBI Blast legacy call script
ncbi-data - Platform-independent data for the NCBI toolkit
ncbi-epcr - Tool to test a DNA sequence for the presence of sequence tagged sites
ncbi-rrna-data - large rRNA BLAST databases distributed with the NCBI toolkit
ncbi-tools-bin - NCBI libraries for biology applications (text-based utilities)
ncbi-tools-x11 - NCBI libraries for biology applications (X-based utilities)
wise - comparison of biopolymers, commonly DNA and protein sequences


sra-toolkit - utilities for the NCBI Sequence Read Archive
sra-toolkit-libs-dev - Development files for the NCBI SRA Toolkit's libraries
sra-toolkit-libs0 - Libraries for the SRA Toolkit

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK56560/ 在各定序平台間做格式轉換,並可上傳至 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/ 資料庫

grinder - Versatile omics shotgun and amplicon sequencing read simulator

http://sourceforge.net/projects/biogrinder/ 經常更新, perl based
Grinder is particularly useful for simulating clinical or environmental microbial communities and complements the use of in vitro mock communities.
maq - maps short fixed-length polymorphic DNA sequence reads to reference sequences

http://maq.sourceforge.net/ 很久沒更新了

picard-tools - Command line tools to manipulate SAM and BAM files

http://picard.sourceforge.net/ 經常更新, java based

qiime - Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology
qiime-doc - Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (tutorial)

http://qiime.org/ 經常更新, python based,唯一在github上託管的專案

QIIME is an open source software package for comparison and analysis of microbial communities, primarily based on high-throughput amplicon sequencing data (such as SSU rRNA) generated on a variety of platforms, but also supporting analysis of other types of data (such as shotgun metagenomic data).








