2019年12月21日 星期六

廢文界的 deepfake -- textsynth.org


Completed Text:

In a shocking finding, scientist discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, previously unexplored valley, in the Andes Mountains. Even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the unicorns spoke perfect English. Dr. Luis Carranza of Oxford University and his team were trying to learn more about the world around them when their satellite signal stopped working. They spent two months searching through a mountain range, in an area which is normally unknown to researchers. They found an astonishing herd of unicorns in the wild, living in the Andes Mountains, in a remote valley, some 4,000 feet above sea level, without roads or roads around them. Scientists discovered an astonishing herd of unicornss living in the wild, living in the Andes Mountains, in a remote valley, some 4,000 feet above sea level, without roads or roads around them. The discovery came in the wake of a new study published in the journal PeerJ which revealed a new species of wild horse – not only in the Americas, but all of Asia. These are the first discoveries of their kind ever made by modern research team and could lead to new knowledge on horses' evolutionary evolution.

後面開始文意走鐘了,但整體來說文法正確無誤。新 GPT-2 模型的釋出還帶來了類似 https://github.com/AIDungeon/AIDungeon 的應用。真的滿有趣的,以後會不會有電子書是完全走開放式劇情的呢XD

