然後安裝 rentrez
啟用 rentrez
library("rentrez", lib.loc="/usr/local/lib/R/site-library")
以下操作參考自 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rentrez/vignettes/rentrez_tutorial.html
> library("rentrez", lib.loc="/usr/local/lib/R/site-library")
> entrez_dbs()
[1] "pubmed" "protein"
[3] "nuccore" "nucleotide"
[5] "nucgss" "nucest"
[7] "structure" "genome"
[9] "annotinfo" "assembly"
[11] "bioproject" "biosample"
[13] "blastdbinfo" "books"
[15] "cdd" "clinvar"
[17] "clone" "gap"
[19] "gapplus" "grasp"
[21] "dbvar" "gene"
[23] "gds" "geoprofiles"
[25] "homologene" "medgen"
[27] "mesh" "ncbisearch"
[29] "nlmcatalog" "omim"
[31] "orgtrack" "pmc"
[33] "popset" "probe"
[35] "proteinclusters" "pcassay"
[37] "biosystems" "pccompound"
[39] "pcsubstance" "pubmedhealth"
[41] "seqannot" "snp"
[43] "sra" "taxonomy"
[45] "unigene" "gencoll"
[47] "gtr"
> entrez_db_summary("geoprofiles")
DbName: geoprofiles
MenuName: GEO Profiles
Description: Genes Expression Omnibus
DbBuild: Build141002-1115.90
Count: 108708851
LastUpdate: 2016/06/21 04:48
> entrez_db_searchable("geoprofiles")
Searchable fields for database 'geoprofiles'
ALL All terms from all searchable fields
UID Unique number assigned to publication
FILT Limits the records
ORGN Exploded organism names
ACCN Accession for GDS (DataSet), GPL (Platform), GSM (Sample), GSE (Series)
GDST GDS text from title and description
GEOT Sample titles
RTYP Platform reporter type, e.g. genbank, clone, orf
GTYP Type of dataset
VTYP Sample value type, e.g. log ratio, count
NSAM Number of samples
SRC Sample source
ID Spot ID from GEO Platform, SAGE tag, Affy ProbeSet ID
NAME Name or identifier for the spot, e.g. GenBank accession, CLONE_ID, ORF etc.
SYMB Gene symbol (name) from Entrez-Gene or Entrez-UniGene.
GDSC Gene Description
RSTD Ranked standard deviation
RMAX Maximal value of ranks
RMIN Minimal value of ranks
FINF Indicates an interesting or notable uid in the GDS context
FTYP Type of flag that indicates a uid of interest, or outliers etc.
GI GenBank Identifier
ATYP Type of annotation (gene, unigene, nucleotide)
GO Gene Ontology
CHR Chromosomes
CPOS Chromosome base position